Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What Makes a Person Beautiful?

In my opinion, a person's beauty should not be defined by the color or style of their hair, their size, or anything visual. I think a person's true beauty is found only on the inside. No one should judge people strictly by the way they look. It's what's on the inside that counts. I think the things that determine your true beauty are your personality traits, your beliefs, and what lies deep inside your soul. If peolpe would judge only by what's on the inside, physical traits would probably go unnoticed. Your body is just a tool that you use to complete life's tasks. It's what's in your mind, your heart, and your soul that make you who you are. Beauty is on the inside.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Responsibilities of a Student

As citizens in the classroom, we all have certain responsibilities that we should abide by on a daily basis. These responsibilities are important to maintaining a healthy and productive society. Some of these student responsibilities include doing everything in our power to keep the classroom a safe and calm environment, respecting others and their belongings, following class rules, respecting the classroom, doing your assignments on time and as you are supposed to, and arriving on time and in a structured manner every day. There are many things that we should do as citizens of a classroom to make our community a better place. We should always do our best and help others. With hard work and patience, our world can be ANYTHING we want it to be!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

AIDS Awareness

HIV/AIDS is a VERY serious problem that there is NO CURE for and will kill you within a matter of time if it is not treated. HIV/AIDS is transmitted through vaginal, anal, and oral sex and through breast milk. ANY vaginal or penile fluids can carry AIDS. Millions of people are living with HIV/AIDS every day. It's NOT something to joke about and it's DEFINITELY NOT FUNNY. It's a VERY SERIOUS disease that needs way more attention than it gets. I think scientists should be working harder to find a cure for HIV/AIDS. Maybe if there was a cure, with time and patience, we could slowly but steadily put this killer into extinction. In my opinion, our civic responsibilities against HIV/AIDS include things like GETTING YOURSELF AND YOUR PARTNER TESTED before you EVER have sex, USING THE PROPER PRECAUTIONS if you DO have the disease, and MAKING SURE to BE RESPONSIBLE and TELL ANYONE you are about to have sexual contact with that YOU HAVE HIV/AIDS before you ever have sexual contact. BE HONEST, Think about the consequences if you don't, and DO WHAT'S RIGHT. HIV/AIDS is SERIOUS. Let's ALL do our part in helping slow the spread of HIV/AIDS. WORLD AIDS DAY DECEMBER 1, 2009.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What Can I Do For People On Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is a time for celebration and the gathering of families to enjoy a hearty meal and count their blessings. Some of the things I can do for people on Thanksgiving include some things that everyone should do every day. Things like helping people cope with their problems and just BEING THERE can make a huge difference in people's lives. A couple of other things I can do are help people cook the DELICIOUS food that we all are guilty of gaining an average of 20 pounds apiece on, (lol), and reminding all the people around me to count their blessings and be thankful for the good things in their life. I think sometimes everyone just needs to be reminded of all the positive things in their lives that outweigh the curses. Life can be rough as sandpaper sometimes, but there's ALWAYS something good hidden beneath the struggle. Have a happy Thanksgiving and remember; In ALL things in life there is something beautiful... HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! ;-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I PASSED MY GED!!! I can't believe I passed both tests the first time I took them. I struggled so much in high school and taking the GED test was so easy. I'm glad I have my GED because now I can try to start college classes online. I'm really proud of my accomplishments. I haven't yet decided on exactly what I want to do for a solid career, but at least I can start applying for different colleges. I'm hoping that WVU gives online classes. My brother went to that college to become a mechanical engineer and he loved it. Online college would be WAY different, but at least it would be WVU. I'M SO HAPPY!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009


No one knows for sure why people have dreams. They can be scary, happy, funny, or even completely irrational. Some dreams make lots of sense, others make no sense at all. Some dreams come true in reality and it can be a little scary. We all have dreams. They are an unavoidable part of life. Some people think they don't dream, but EVERYONE dreams. Even when you think you didn't dream on a certain night, you did, but you just don't remember it. Dreams most often contain people, places, things, or situations that are around you in your life. There are occasions where you'll have dreams that are completely irrelevant to anything going on in your life. These dreams are usually a signal to something you are feeling subconsciously. No one can control what they dream about. Sometimes I wonder what I'm going to dream about before I go to sleep at night. You just never know...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I just successfully complete the civics game The Cost of Life and I must say that it took me awhile, but I got the entire family to survive. They were poor, hungry, and sick, but they were alive. The point of the game is to not only survive, but to be happy and healthy. It's extremely difficult just in the game to accomplish this. I can't even imagine how tough it would be in reality. The easy thing about experiencing it on the computer is that if I get frustrated with it, I can just exit out of it and go back to my normal life. In reality, people who live in these conditions CAN'T just "exit out" of their problems. Hunger, sickness, and unhappiness is their life and it 100.5% REAL for them. They don't have the money for a huge turkey and all the dressings and sides for thanksgiving. They don't even have a house to eat it in! We don't think much about it because we're warm and well fed and reasonably happy. This Thanksgiving, when you're sitting at the table with your family, warm and happy with a huge meal in front of you, stop and think about all of the people who will spend Thanksgiving out on the streets cold and hungry without their family and friends. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS, PEOPLE. Like the song says, 'god forbid you ever had to walk a mile in his shoes, then you really might know what it's like.' (The song is called What It's Like by Everlast. Please look it up and listen to it. It makes a lot of sense.)